working with billy

“It’s not about teaching your mind, or ego. Rather, it’s about teaching your body. So we use processes that disengage the intellect and engage your body …because that works!!

“So you’ll come away with a knowing that lives in your body which reorders the way you live your life, rather than just knowledge that only feeds the ego.”

why still place?

The still place is a program created to enable participants to train themselves to return to – and live from – their centre. That centre is a place of balance, connectedness, freedom and equanimity and an abiding ‘quiet joy’ and ultimately a deep love of self  …as it exists in any present moment.

In our programs we are not trying to solve a problem or fix something that’s wrong. The aim is to get back to our centre, that still place. It is a place where there is no shame or guilt – where we can’t tell a lie or avoid an issue. It’s a place from which right action is our only option.

In this place, I am in touch with what’s alive in me at this moment, and I relate from there. It’s a way of being, living from that core.

Love is a decision – not an emotion!”

– Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching

billy’s bio

I grew up in what could have been “any Aussie country town” and had a very “normal” childhood. My parents were good, loving people, and well connected in the extended family. As it does, life led me to many a crossroad until one day I started to question “what’s going on here?” And so my inner journey began and little did I know, what a real adventure life might look like.

So now in my middle age and enthusiastically on “my path” in the personal growth movement I found Arnie Mindell’s Process Oriented Psychology and then The Mankind Projectand more recently David Collins’ Recovery Capital wellness coaching.

Process Work taught me how to look past what’s obvious and to really see. The Mankind Project taught me how to feel, and Recovery Capital honed my curiosity. I learned how to move beyond my “knowing how to fix what’s broken” and become intensely curious in our humanity. You could say over time I’ve awoken from the dream of consensus reality (the Wetiko Myth) and found the present moment. I’ve learned how to be in the moment, in conscious choice.

As Victor Frankl so famously put it “Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”

Over the last 30 years, I have provided over 10,000 hours of coaching, led 200 workshops for 50-120 people, studied Gestalt and Process Work for a decade each, co-founded the Bellingen Gestalt Institute, founded Storming Eden, a 12-part 3-year exploration into gender relations, and certified as a UACT coach trainer.

So after 35 years of searching for the meaning of life I guess you could say I’ve found nothing more than that space between stimulus and response, which I’ve decided call my still place.

So welcome to my website, and I trust that in the being-ness of your still place you might also find the true and magic and joy of being, and becoming, you.

“The ongoing benefit to me is that I occupy my own being – I’m fully present inside of who I am – I’m a living, breathing, emotionally fluid man.

“And the value to the people who do this work with me is that they get to wake up and be fully alive, inside their own spirit. That makes them somebody people want to be around.”

Years Experience

Hours of Workshops Delivered

Hours of Coaching Provided

ready to take the leap?

personal coaching

Billy is available for one to one coaching via telephone or Zoom. His rate is AUD $3 per minute, with a 20 minute minimum.


Please pay via this PayPal link.

private intensive  trainings

16 week private training comprises 16 x 30min weekly training sessions and two 30min coaching sessions. Price on application.

small group intensives

For up to 6 participants: 16 one hour small group weekly sessions plus two 30min weekly private coaching sessions per person for the whole of the 16 weeks: $1500

weekly support groups

This is where we focus on practicing the skill of remaining present or residing in our still place. We meet here at 1pm Monday, 6:30pm Tuesday, and 6:30pm Friday AEST.  Membership is $50 per month.

Someone once said to me “You’re too damn mysterious”.

I remember smiling and thinking…

“Yes, my life is different from what you know”

…and that deep connection to the mystery is what drives and informs my work and brings quiet joy.


“Working with Billy this past year has had a profound impact on my inner journey. The processes he so ably teaches, have helped me live life more fully, consciously and with heart. His deep understanding of the human condition and lively sense of humor, facilitate a dynamic in a group that I can only call magical. Thank you for the work you do Billy.”

~ Greg Sternik, California

“I was invited into Billy’s Group not long before Christmas 2019, through a friend. 

I consider myself to be on a spiritual journey, something that started in 2013 with a near-death experience following a period of 2-3 years of trauma. 

I have been on a spectacular journey in recent years which feels like it has been constant healing. 

The work I’ve done personally and the work I see being done, twice a week, every week, for 6 months now, has been transformational. 

I see Billy guiding people to what he describes as their still place. I sense it as being our ‘heart centre’, the centre of our feelings ‘system’, a unique and different intelligence to the brain. It feels like pure energy, pure love. 

Billy is patient, yet challenging. He’s very aware of where each person is at during his sessions. He encourages gently, probes and pushes when it’s the right thing to do. 

I describe Billy as an ‘Earth Angel’ and if you get the opportunity to take part in his ‘process’ I encourage you to grab that opportunity with both hands and both feet! You’ll be working with a man of wisdom, compassion, courage and love. 

You’ll change. You’ll transform. You’ll love others more. You’ll love yourself more. You’ll be in grave danger of loving life a lot more. 

The best thing I can recommend is that you try it. Take action. Now.”

~ David Carruthers, Melbourne

let's start a conversation

Hi, I'm Billy. Drop me a line in the form below,
or WhatsApp/call me on +61 407 660 431


9 + 3 =